Battlefunds Q&A

1.1. What am I paying for?

When you purchase Battlefunds you are purchasing digital licenses that can be exchanged for specific content in Battlefield Play4Free or Battlefield Heroes, such as clothing items, emotes and special widgets.

2.Where can I find out more about Battlefunds?

All the rules and regulation pertinent to Battlefunds can be found in our Digital Service Agreement or DSA.

3.What credit cards do you accept?

These are the credit cards you can currently use to buy Battlefunds:


4.What if I don't have a credit card?

You are also able to buy Battlefunds with PayPal, SMS (Paymo), Wallie-card, Paysafe card, Giropay and Sofortüberweisung/Direct ebanking. Please note that the availability of these payment instruments depends on your country of residence.



Battlefunds have no monetary value and do not constitute currency or property of any type. Battlefunds may be redeemed for Battlefield Play4Free or Battlefield Heroes content only. Battlefunds cannot be sold or transferred, and cannot be exchanged for cash or for any other goods and services, except for the Battlefield Play4Free or Battlefield Heroes content. Battlefunds are non-refundable. You are not entitled to a refund for any unused Battlefunds.

Battlefunds are available to you immediately as soon as you complete your purchase. If you reside in the European Union and you purchase a product or service from EA, you have the right to withdraw from your purchase within fourteen calendar days, commencing on the day after the date of purchase (the "Cooling Off Period"). However, please note that you will lose your right of withdrawal if the performance of the services has begun before the end of the Cooling Off Period. Accordingly, please note that if you purchase Battlefunds from us, your right of withdrawal is lost as the performance of our services begins immediately after your purchase is confirmed on the Battlefield Play4Free or Battlefield Heroes website.

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